Anybody want to lend a helping hand?

I just uploaded my webpages. They looked beautiful on my son's computer but when I went to view them on my laptop, they were all messed up, lol! I lost some of my formatting, had to scroll sideways to see the whole page . . . so not what I wanted. I guess I have more tweaking to do.

Anybody out there know offhand - is there a code that will make the page fit no matter what screen size or resolution the user uses? Or are there standard measurements?

I may end up having to buy another book. Maybe I just should have let someone that knows what they're doing design it for me. Guess that's always an option.



Bertle said…
The normal practice is to make the site fit a 800 x 600 resoluion, also try and preview the site in different browsers e.g Firefox and Internet Explorer so that you can make sure that the site does not do anything to silly. Alot of web developers will make sure it looks ok in Firefox first up, then as Internet Explorer is not as fussy about code it will normally be fine as well.
Bertle said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said…
Thanks so much for the tips! Really appreciate it.
Anonymous said…
Try to wrap everything on a div, it might work, im not sure...
Maria said…
Thanks Ben. I re-worked the whole thing and it looks a lot better. I started out not knowing anything about HTML so I had to fumble my way through before I even found out what 'div' did, lol.
Anonymous said…
I hope you use CSS. make the width of the page 780 (leaving 20 for the side scrollbar)

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