About a month ago, I realized we needed a second income. I have a Bachelor's degree in Nursing but have been out of the rat race for over 10 years. Well, I worked awhile doing laser treatments last year, but anyway. I went online to craigslist and checked the jobs under the medical section. One caught my eye - "medical records reviewer . . . . after training will work from home." How perfect would that be? So I hit the 'reply to' link, wrote up a little cover letter, attached my resume and hit 'send.' About an half an hour later, I got a message in my inbox with contact information and a request to call to talk about the job. So I did and the next thing I know, the lady is asking if I'd like to come in and meet the staff. What?! Did I just get a job offer? So I go into the office and meet with this lady a few days later and she says, "Welcome aboard," shows me around and introduces me to the staff. I just got a call from the perso...