The Rich Jerk Walkthrough - Chapter 1

So this Rich Jerk dude says it worked for him, let's see if it'll work for me. I'm going to go through his chapters one by one, implementing his methods as I go. Let's see if "RJ's" promises ring true. In his opening lines, he says, "You can begin using these strategies for immediate results, with minimal effort." Yeah? we'll see.

Chapter 1A - Creating an Affiliate Website that Sells Like Crazy

[For those of you that are new to the term, there's a very good definition of "affiliate marketing" on Wikipedia (I've included a link to it in my articles section]

Here, RJ lists no less than 13 affiliate networks that you can join. His top four are Clickbank, Commission Junction, BeFree, and Linkshare. Being the perfectionist that I am, I'm going to have to research these a little before I sign up with any of them. I'll let you know which ones I've decided to join and why in my next post. Ta ta for now.


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