I've got a question
Say I'm surfing my blogroll or the blogosphere in general ok. If, at the end of my visit I purposefully check out the ads on the page, find one I'm interested in and click it, would you consider that click fraud? My personal opinion is, I like what I read on the site, I want to support the blog's owner, I take a minute to show it by checking out one of the ads.
What ya'll think?
BTW, shout out to my newest blogroll addition Shirlene over at If Ya Want to Make Money. Check out her site, she gives honest opinions of some of the money making programs/schemes she's personally tried.
What ya'll think?
BTW, shout out to my newest blogroll addition Shirlene over at If Ya Want to Make Money. Check out her site, she gives honest opinions of some of the money making programs/schemes she's personally tried.
I would like to exchange link with you
if you are intrested then link to me and leave a comment on my blog How to Make Money Online
I will link back to you.
Thank You!
Thanks for the link exchange, I have added your blog.
By the way, nice site you got, keep it up :)
Best Regards,