Google Adwords Made Easy

Hi everyone, just added this great ebook to the free resources listed on Guide to Internet and wanted to share it with my readers. Unlike a lot of ebooks you'll run into that are full of fluff and hot air, this one is very useful. The author is an expert in pay per click and search engine optimization (SEO). He does promote the use of a software program that he created, but it isn't the focus of the information conveyed. You will gain a lot of insight into internet marketing.

If you're interested, you can download it here.

Come back after you've read it and share your thoughts. Cheers!


Anonymous said…

I'm the webmaster for Dosh Dosh (a blog on your blogroll) and I would let you know that I've recently moved my blog to a new URL.

The new location is at and I would very much appreciate it if you could make the change in your blogroll.

Your link is live at the new location as well. =)

Maria said…
Thanks Maki, and congratulations on getting your own site. It looks great! I've updated your link on my blog. If you'd like your site to be added to Guide to Internet email me at

Have a great day!

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