Affiliate Project X

After dabbling in the free methods of making money online, I decided to check out some of those guides you see advertised all over the internet claiming they'll show you how to make the big bucks. Some of these programs are really expensive and I was, of course, a bit leery. I mean, who wants to be scammed, right? But since I've made some pocket change with sponsored posts, ads, etc, I decided to go ahead and take one for a test drive.

The one I'm reading right now is Affiliate Project X. Not quite through it yet, but have gleaned some very useful information. At the very least, it's given me some ideas for my (under performing) website.

I'll post a review when I'm done. If anyone else has an opinion on it, please post a comment.

- Maria


The AP said…
I'm looking forward to your review. These programs have taken me more than once, and have left me wondering if any of them are legitimate. I'm not even looking to make big bucks.
Which sponsored posts, and ads hve you used to make "pocket change?"
Maria said…
I've made some pocket change with TikTikCash, AdBux, Blogsvertise, and SponsoredReviews. Also made some change with

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